This week in ISM, I spent a lot of my time finding contacts and starting the process of trying to get interviews. I created a contact list, a cold call script, and got the opportunity to call the businesses in hopes of getting in contact with a PA. This week’s ultimate goal was to find a professional and schedule an interview with a professional.
As I was calling, I felt very professional having to introduce myself and telling the receptionist of the medical facility what my hopes were. I had to be patient and kind as I knew that the professionals were busy and did not have to help me. I got the chance to connect with someone on LinkedIn and started a conversation about our passions for being and becoming a PA. I am hoping that this conversation will lead to a possible interview and that my calls will be more successful.
Previously, I have had a lot of successful weeks, but this one was a little different having to make a lot of calls and not being successful. I know what I am doing will eventually pay off, but it is a little discouraging that I continue to feel unsuccessful with my cold calls. I am hoping I can go into this week with the new contacts and connections to have some successful calls and interviews scheduled.