This week in ISM, I completed a topic proposal and another research assessment. In the topic proposal, I explained that during this year I would like to further my education in sports medicine and specifically focus on data like return-to-sport rates. In my research assessment, I learned about overuse injuries and a lot of that research connected to data that I have previously found.
Doing the topic solution I loved connecting my life to what I want to do in the future. Although I did write that I was looking to research a physician’s position, I am not quite certain that I want to drive away from the physician assistant possibility yet. As I thought about that over the weekend, it drove me to do more research. For this research, I reached out to a family friend to get an insight into the medical world since he is an orthopedic surgeon. He told me that he believes physician assistants are very needed in this world and that the schooling for that position is much less grueling than what a physician must endure. That led my mind to do further research on what schooling years and costs look like as well as what job opportunities it could lead me to. Although I am still undecided about completely straying away from looking into a physician, I think this research helped me find something that I may possibly be more interested in.
This week was quite a productive week with a few ups and downs. It was hard for me to realize that something I thought I was interested in while writing my topic proposal was something that I may not want to pursue. However, I am happy that I am successfully doing more research that will guide me in my future career.