This week in ISM we truly took the time to prepare ourselves for the upcoming Business Symposium and I also completed another research assessment. In order to prepare for the symposium we got to create our own “elevator pitch” as well as simulate an interview with our fellow classmates. In my research assessment, I got to expand my knowledge greatly on what a physician assistant is and what they do.
I was really happy we got the opportunity to interview and prepare this past week. I liked to truly apply myself to the interview and learn how to promote myself. Also, I enjoyed learning how to ask questions to the person interviewing me to make it more like a conversation. Preparing made me very confident going into this next week as I will actually get to perform everything I had practiced in front of a professional. I also prepared myself for this upcoming week by doing further research about what a physician assistant job entails, and this led me to find out the best schooling and certifications those interested in being a PA go through. This research was really helpful in my recent change of mind and hopefully will guide me to my decision.
This week was very productive and successful as it made me really look forward to going into the interviews with confidence. Compared to last week, this week I had plenty of successes and gained much more knowledge that I had not known before about interviews and the career I could possibly study.