This week in ISM I felt the true first steps of my journey. I began the process of reading articles to deeper my understanding of what sports medicine is and how it helps others. It began by telling me the history of how sports medicine came about. I learned things that I never knew before including that researchers have formed sports medicine from the origin of the Greeks as they valued the development of the body and medicine. Although the history is not going to be the main point of my job, I truly believe that knowledge will help me know why I am doing what I am doing. I can value the history as I continue to progress sports medicine in the future. This week I also believe I was successful in learning more about the different branches of sports medicine. After further research and reading my article, I am more interested in the orthopedic side of sports medicine as of now. To make sure I am confident about staying interested in that topic I would like to read more articles entailing the orthopedic perspective. I would like to research things such as what studies are influential, what schooling that requires, salary and hours, and as much as I can to prepare myself for my future. The first steps of this process are making me truly look forward to continuing my journey as I have had limited challenges and multiple successes along the way.
Taking First Steps