As I have begun my journey in ISM, I have already started to experience the independent side of this class. With something as little as having to build my own LinkedIn or a website of my liking, I have truly started to feel the freedom to creating my own success. Beginning small with the research of my project, I have found the many different routes Sports Medicine can take someone. Including jobs such as being a Sports Physician, Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainer, Nutritionist, or a Coach etc. Although I am sure of my love for sports, as of now I am not sure of the exact position in Sports Medicine I would like to pursue. Looking back on my week I can truly say that I have had many successes like being able to add many skills to my LinkedIn, creating a website that reflects who I am, and simply just discovering more things for something I can be passionate about in my future. As I go into this next week, I would love to continue my research to possibly find the position I would like to pursue and begin to build my confidence in it. I am looking forward to continuing to build my future one step at a time through this year.
The Beginning of My Journey