Through my time over break, I got the opportunity to rest, but I also dealt with scheduling and rescheduling interviews as well as researching for my Original Work project. Although I had some struggles having to reschedule my interviews, it gave me the chance to keep trying and learn from it.
I had two interviews scheduled over the course of fall break, but unfortunately, both of them ended up being rescheduled. Having to deal with rescheduling was difficult, but it allowed me to keep my head up and learn how to communicate with professionals in different circumstances. I need to deal with and be understanding of professional’s busy schedules, and this week allowed me to do that. As I continued my research for my Original Work project I learned more about elbow and knee injuries. For my project, I created a Google sheet that allows me to organize my thoughts and information on common injuries.
I do feel disappointed at times having to move my interviews, but I know that my journey will teach me to learn and adapt to many situations. I felt accomplished getting some work done over my very restful break by adjusting with these professionals and researching for my project.